Say goodbye to post-workout soreness
Our products, according to a strong panel of personal trainers from all over Denmark, can help you reduce muscle soreness and increase your overall performance. A whopping 93% experienced less muscle soreness when using Relax after training. So, whether you've never worked out before, want to set personal records, or simply dream of improving your current fitness routine, we can probably help you on your way quite effectively

It works - for most people
According to a strong panel of personal trainers from all over Denmark, our products can help you reduce muscle soreness and improve your overall performance. A whopping 93% experienced less muscle soreness when using Relax after training. So, whether you've never worked out before, want to set personal records, or simply dream of enhancing your current fitness routine, we can probably help you get on the right track.

More every day well-being
We know that training is not just about the hours you spend in the gym. It's also about feeling good in your everyday life, so you can achieve a healthy balance between body and mind. And that's where we can definitely help you! Our products are designed to assist you in achieving better balance and more energy in your daily life – preferably with a body that feels light and free, so you don't have to exert unnecessary effort. In general, we recommend using RELAX every time you've worked out – and HEAT as needed. Tip: Feel free to use RELAX first and HEAT afterward – the combination of the two is: 🔥💪🏼❤️
I recommend RELAX to my clients
These products are relevant to you.
We know you have a lot to do in your busy everyday life, so we have made it easy for you to give your body the best conditions for living the way you dream. RELAX is excellent after a workout to support your body's natural recovery, so you won't be too sore in the days that follow. And HEAT is a lovely little companion to roll on if you have areas where you feel soreness, or if you just want to warm up specific areas thoroughly before and during your workout.

during and after
RELAX helps you
Already when you begin to feel your body getting tired, it can be a good idea to use a few sprays of RELAX - and it's a sure winner for optimal recovery afterwards as well.