Graviditet og fødsel
Vi hjælper dig godt igennem den foranderlige tid du står overfor.

A Pregnancy Universe created for you
Pregnancy is a time filled with changes - both physical and mental. That’s why it’s so important to have a safe space where you, as a pregnant woman, can find...
Med dig i centrum
Det vigtigste for mig er, at du føler dig godt tilpas. At du føler dig set og mødt i øjenhøjde. Graviditet er ingen sygdom, men derfor kan det godt være baske løjer alligevel - og derfor vil jeg så gerne give dig et frirum her, hvor det ikke skal handle om andet end graviditet og fødsel, bredt formidlet og - forhåbentligt - kærligt fortalt.
Kærlig Hilsen
Cana B.

10 ting du ikke vidste om din krop efter fødslen
Kvinder føder børn hele tiden. I Danmark, i verden og i huset lidt længere nede ad vejen. Det ved vi allesammen godt. De fleste af os [kvinder] prøver det selv...
Give yourself, or a loved one, a good start to Christmas with our irresistible Advent packages. We've carefully put together 3 different packs, each containing 4 of our most loved products, to help you out a little during the busy Christmas season. With these exclusive packages you save up to 38%, so you can treat yourself or your loved ones without breaking the budget.
This package contains:
REST - magnesium serum, which is particularly good for calming down before bed, for both adults and children. Use a few sprays for a loving massage of the legs, stomach or arms and feel the calm settle in.
HEAT - heat booster, which effectively relieves tension and soreness, e.g. in the neck or back.
REPAIR - softening ointment with many good properties for dry and/or irritated skin.
EMBRACE - luxurious and natural body oil, with a smoothing and firming effect. The oil is very light and therefore quickly penetrates the skin, so you won't feel greasy and can use it every day after showering with a clear conscience.
Nyeste artikler
Din genvej til viden, tips og tricks vedrørende graviditet og fødsel

Second Trimester Scan (anomaly scan) - a voluntary mid-pregnancy scan
When you reach weeks 19-21 of your pregnancy, you will be offered a second-trimester scan, also commonly known as the anomaly scan. The exact timing of the appointment depends on...

Strong body, strong mom – why exercising during pregnancy is a great idea
You’ve probably heard it before: Staying active during pregnancy is beneficial. Being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stop working out - quite the opposite! But why exactly? Your body...

Nuchal translucency scan - your first glimpse of your little baby (and a few nerves too!)
When you are pregnant, there will come a time when you are offered a nuchal translucency scan. This scan, which usually takes place between week 11+0 and 13+6, is part...
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Find Cana Buttenschøns populære bøger om graviditet, fødsel og livet som mor

Embrace – the best oil for pregnant women
There’s no doubt: Embrace is the best oil for pregnant women. Period. Embrace, like all Cana Care products, was developed in close collaboration between some of the country’s most talented...
We’ve curated the four most essential Cana Care products for expectant mothers, along with Cana Buttenschøn's latest book, "Your Pregnancy – 280 Special Days," in which she lovingly shares all her knowledge and experience as both a midwife and mother, guiding you through each day of pregnancy from start to finish.
With the products EMBRACE, REPAIR, REST, and HEAT, expectant mothers have the ideal support for nurturing skin and body throughout the (often slow and patient) wait.