We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Because everyone should leave our store happy.
We want to ensure that you are completely satisfied with our products. Therefore, we offer a satisfaction guarantee that gives you 30 days from the receipt of your product to request a full refund if you are not satisfied.

This is how it works.
If you encounter any challenges with the product, we ask you to first seek guidance from our customer service. We do this to ensure the best possible experience with our products before the warranty comes into effect.
We will refund the full amount if our products do not meet your expectations after guidance. Right now, in fact, most people with a little support from our lovely customer service or an exchange from the purchased product to another, get a helping hand for their everyday discomforts instead of a refund.
Our goal is to ensure the best possible experience with both our products and our customer service, and we will always do our best to ensure your satisfaction with your purchase.
Please contact our customer service at info@canacare.com if you have any questions or need guidance.
For those of you who have purchased GROW
You get extended warranty
Because the product needs to be used for 90 days before we can guarantee the effect, the satisfaction guarantee for GROW is extended to 100 days.
We just have 2 requirements for you:
You need to document the effect. Take one or more pictures of the area(s) you want to treat before you start using GROW, and then again after 1, 2, and 3 months, so you can visually see the effect - or lack thereof, should it unexpectedly not make a difference for you. All pictures should be from the same angle and under the same lighting.
Use the product regularly. You should use GROW every morning and evening for at least 90 days, for us to guarantee you the effect.
If you don't see the effect, send us an email with your pictures and your order number(s), and we'll assist you from there. The pictures must be documented with the date they were taken. For example, if you take the pictures on your phone, you can take a screenshot of the pictures, so you can see the date they were taken individually.