30-day full return policy

If you change your mind or don't feel that our products are right for you after all, you can rest easy. At Cana Care, we always offer a 30-day full return policy—even on products you've already used—as part of our satisfaction guarantee if you don't think they give you the desired effect.

We want to provide you with a great experience from start to finish when you shop with us online. This means it should be easy for you to return something if you feel the need to. Want to return a product? No problem. Just pack the order securely and send it directly to us, along with a note stating your order number and the reason for the return.

Cana Care

att: Customer Service

Nørrebrogade 45E, 4.

2200 Copenhagen N

Write to us at info@canacare.com if you would like to receive a return label by email. A return label costs 5 euro which will simply be deducted from the refunded amount when your order arrives with us.