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Award-winning roll-on with moisturizing properties and intense warming effect. Applied directly to the skin, where its high content of unsaturated fatty acids has good skin care properties, while - for most people - providing an immediate warming sensation that can help relieve muscle tension, myositis, or other soreness.

With HEAT you get effective, warming relief in just a moment - and because of the practical roll-on function, it's as easy as child's play; without getting the product on your fingers.

Contains 50 ml

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€57,51 €63,90
Buy 2, Save 20% on the 2. HEAT
€81,48 €95,85
Buy 3, Save 45% on the 3. HEAT

HELIANTHUS ANNUUS SEED OIL - A natural sunflower oil with a high content of lecithin and unsaturated fatty acids, which makes the oil nourishing and conditioning for the skin. Softens and forms a protective layer on the skin that helps to retain moisture.
VANILLYL BUTHYL ETHER - A warming agent that provides a gentle and long-lasting warming effect.

CAPSICUM ANNUUM FRUIT EXTRACT - Natural cayenne pepper extract that provides an intense warming sensation on the skin.

How to
- Shake the product before use.
- Always test it on a small area of skin first. This is to ensure that you can tolerate the product. It is normal for the skin to become slightly red where the product is rolled on, but redness outside the area is a sign of sensitivity. If the skin becomes red, it is a clear sign that it is working, and you will typically also feel a noticeable warming effect.
- Just roll a little to start. If you feel the need for more effect, you can always roll more.
- Preferably use HEAT on warm skin, for example after a hot bath. When the skin is warm, it is more receptive to the product. This is particularly important if you have a general feeling that your skin does not easily absorb and work with the product.
- If you want more warmth, the warming effect can also be reactivated for up to 24 hours by adding additional heat, for example from a warm cloth or exercise. Or a minute with a hairdryer if you need a proper boost.
- If you want less warmth, the warming effect can be softened by applying oil to the area. This is also the best way to neutralize the product in the skin again if you do not want any further warming effect.
Favorite of...
- People who suffer from daily or weekly muscle tensions.
- People with neck/back pain.
- People who wish to prevent the onset of tension headaches.
- Women with menstrual pain.
- People with a feeling of "stiff" or "cold" joints.

Aqua, Pentylene Glycol, Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil,
Camphor, Glyceryl Stearate Citrate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Parfum, Glyceryl Caprylate, Capsicum Frutescens Fruit Extract, Vanillyl Butyl Ether, Tocopherol, 1,2-Hexanediol, Caprylyl Glycol, Carbomer, Sodium Hydroxide, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Limonene, Linalool, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer.

Contains 96% natural ingredients.
The product is vegan.

Product information

Customer Reviews

Based on 320 reviews
Sander Holst
Det virker ✔️

Golf albue forsvundet. Kommer self. igen, men Heat fjerne smerten

Martha Morsbøl Hunt


Mette Schack Hansen
Fantastisk virkning

Jeg var lidt skeptisk da jeg købte den, men jeg er helt imponeret over effekten. Jeg bruger den primært til spændinger i nakken. Den varmer utrolig meget. Jeg smører mig hver aften til sengetid og nogen gange i løbet af dagen efter behov, og mærker en dejlig lindrende effekt på min nakke.
Derudover er den nem at bruge og tørrer hurtigt ind så man ikke fedter tøjet til.

Bettina Kjærgaard Petersen

Kan varmt anbefales. Det er anden gang jeg køber HEAT, og den virker. Har prøvet flere andre produkter.

Helle Bjerregård

Har haft smerter i skuldre/nakke i nogle dage og har fået anbefalet Heat Roll.Bestilte derfor denne sammen med Relax og jeg må bare sige Wauuuw :-).Denne kombi har bare hjulpet mig for vildt. KÆMPE ANBEFALING HERFRA :-)

Kristina Skovgaard
Jeg er blæst bagover

Jeg er virkelig overrasket over hvor god effekt HEAT har på min krop. Jeg kommer HEAT på hvor jeg har tendens til at blive øm henover natten. Når jeg vågner om morgenen, er der absolut intet der er ømt eller gør ondt! Tak 🙏🏻

Tove Jørgensen

Jeg havde læst om Heat, og blev lidt nysgerrig, jeg er bare blevet så glad for den - den har lindret både min nakke og mit håndled. 👍 og så er sen jo en god størrelse at have med i tasken.

Carsten Steensig

Nemt at påføre, virker godt. Super

Sabrina Olak
Hjælper mod mine rygsmerter

Har så mange problemer med rygsmerter under min graviditet, heat hjælper mig igennem hverdagen mod de værste smerter! Har den med overalt til et Quickfix og bruger den også inden sengetid for en roligere og mindre smertefuld nat.

About this product

Regardless of whether your muscle soreness is in your lower back after a day of poor work postures, in your neck, where it typically manifests as tension headaches, or in your legs after a long run, there is help to be found with HEAT. With this moisturizing little heat booster, you will quickly feel the warmth spreading on and around the areas where you feel soreness. The warming sensation allows you to relax better and give your body the rest it needs to recover.
For most people, the warming effect will occur immediately after application - and decrease over a few hours, but it can be reactivated for up to 24 hours. Afterwards, the skin is left soft and supple.
Because HEAT - for some - can provide a very intense sensation of heat, we kindly advise against using it on children.

Studies show

In a user survey of 456 Cana Care customers, 94% of those who bought the product would recommend it to a friend. A total of 70% used HEAT at least 1-2 times a week - often daily. Of these costumers, everyone would recommend HEAT to a friend.