High performance requires high recovery
At Cana Care, we believe that recovery is the key to unlocking your full training potential. Our dedication to supporting your training is reflected in our tailored products designed to provide your body with the necessary care to perform at the highest level. Whether you are a professional runner, athlete, or fitness enthusiast, we understand that the body needs time to heal and rebuild after training. Our innovative products are carefully crafted to promote optimal recovery and help you achieve your training goals more quickly. We strive to provide you with the tools you need to perform at your very best. Cana Care's products are not only an investment in your training but also in your overall well-being. So, let's work together towards a stronger, healthier version of yourself – with Cana Care by your side every step of the way.

Get the most out of your training
According to a significant group of personal trainers across Denmark, our products can be crucial in improving your training by, among other things, contributing to increased endurance, reduced muscle soreness, and overall enhanced performance. In fact, 93% of users in our survey* reported a significant reduction in muscle soreness when using our product RELAX after exercise. Whether your goal is to set personal records, conquer championships, or simply improve the quality of your current training routine, we would like to help and support you unconditionally throughout so you can achieve the ultimate performance.
The survey was conducted as an A/B test, with the personal trainers using RELAX exclusively on the right side of the body during their training sessions. This allowed for a valid basis for comparison of any differences in soreness between the right and left sides.

Get more well-being in your everyday life
We know that exercise is not just about the hours you spend in the gym. It's also about feeling well in your everyday life and achieving a healthy balance between body and mind. Cana Care's products are designed to help you maintain overall well-being. Our natural and soothing products can help you relax, reduce stress levels, and get better sleep. When you take care of yourself before, during, and after your workout, you'll experience how Cana Care can enhance your well-being on multiple levels.
Sarah experience
I can only give my highest recommendations to Relax. I've used Relax after my workouts, and no matter what I've trained (Crossfit, boxing, biking, jumping, strength), Relax has helped my skin and muscles. I used to struggle with restlessness in my legs, especially after hard workouts, but with the use of Relax, I don't feel any restlessness. In connection with a shoulder injury, I've used Relax as part of the recovery process, and my therapist has no doubt that it has helped my injury get the best conditions for a quick comeback.
These products from Cana Care are relevant to you
Whether you're into running, strength training, TRX, crossfit, or something else entirely, we have selected two essential products that complement your workout routine. They can, in their own ways, help you and your body achieve the best possible workout experience.